Nathalie Destandau
Tomorrow PartnersNathalie Destandau is Tomorrow’s chief strategist and resident sustainability buff. She partners closely with a wide range of clients to help them manage change and prioritize strategies for innovation and growth. She leads Tomorrow’s teams on all ethnographic research, strategy, positioning, naming, and storytelling initiatives.
Nathalie’s 20-year background in academia and an MBA in Sustainable Management from the Presidio Graduate School give her a particular knack for translating complex propositions into messages that are clear and engaging to everyone. Her deeply rooted intellectual curiosity means that she never takes a project brief at face value, always challenging assumptions and laying the groundwork for new insights and ideas.
Nathalie is the co-author of The Living Principles for Design, the first integrated sustainability framework for the creative industry, and one that has been adopted by professional design associations around the world.