Tyler Galloway
Kansas City Art InstituteTyler Galloway’s professional practice centers around trans-media communications projects that allow small, independent and civic-minded entities access to design services they normally could not afford.
Tyler holds a BFA from Missouri State University and a MGD from North Carolina State University. His thesis exploration focused on rhetoric in time-based media. He has presented papers at several AIGA national design education conferences and as a student at the Duke University “Thinking Through New Media” Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. His work and that of his students has been published in the books “Designing for Social Change”, “The Design of Dissent”, “Reproduce and Revolt” and the Turkish socio-political design magazine “No Tasarim”. In 2010, Tyler was invited to participate in the national “Printervention” social and political poster exhibit and in 2009 the international “Posters of Discontent” exhibit.